
Monday, 15 August 2016

बी.आई.टी. ग्लोबल स्कूल में हर्षोउल्लास के साथ मनाया गया स्वतंत्रता दिवस

आज दिनांक 15 अगस्त दिन सोमवार को परतापुर बाईपास स्थित बी.आई.टी. ग्लोबल स्कूल में बड़े ही हर्षोउल्लास के साथ स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाया गया।  जिसका शुभारम्भ विद्यालय के चेयरमैन श्री राकेश प्रकाश अग्रवाल जी के द्वारा ध्वजारोहण के साथ हुआ। इस मौके पर कक्षा 1 से लेकर 8 तक के सभी बच्चों ने रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किया। बच्चों द्वारा देश प्रेम से लबालब गीतों पर नृत्य की प्रस्तुतियां दी गई।

कुछ बच्चों ने शहीदों के परिधानों की नकल करते हुए फैंसी ड्रेस कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लिया तो कुछ बच्चों ने देश की आजादी में अहम भूमिका निभाने वाले शहीदों के चरित्र को नाटिका के माध्यम से चित्रण किया। कार्यक्रम का मुख्य आकर्षण केंद्र कक्षा 1 से लेकर 8 तक विद्यार्थियों की अनुशासन प्रणाली का चुनाव रहा, जिसका उदेश्य विद्यार्थियों के जीवन में अनुशासन के महत्व को जागृत करना है।

विद्यालय के चेयरमैन श्री राकेश प्रकाश अग्रवाल, वाईस चेयरपर्सन श्रीमती माला अग्रवाल, निदेशक श्री संदीप कुमार रायजादा, श्री तन्मय अग्रवाल, श्रीमती शिखा अग्रवाल, प्रधानाचार्या डॉ. ज्योति सिरोही ने टीम के सभी सदस्यों को बैच देकर सम्मानित किया। इस कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने में विद्यालय के समस्त सदस्यों का योगदान रहा। 

Saturday, 13 August 2016

BIT Global School Plans Patriotic Mega Show to mark #70YearsOfIndependence

BIT Global School is ready to mark 70 years of India’s Independence on 15th August 2016 to “rekindle the spirit of patriotism” among students. Principal of BIT Global School Dr. Jyoti Sirohi gave details of Independence Day and Investiture Ceremony that promises to be a patriotic mega show. Particularly, this patriotic mega show is to make students remember the contribution of freedom fighters, especially those who have remained unsung in the past,” she said.

Chairman Rakesh Prakash Agarwal, Vice Chairperson Mala Agarwal and Director Sandeep Kumar Raizada would also participate in this Independence Day and Investiture Ceremony. Patriotic fashion show, singing, dancing, and skit would be the special part on the theme of patriotic mega show.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

It’s your time to become a professional Video Editor

 Editing is the process of editing segments of motion video footage, special effects and sound recordings. Students learn to edit various types of programs. IFTI is a renowned and reputed institute offering 6 months diploma course for video editing in Delhi/ NCR.

In today’s fast growing competitive and challenging media world Video editors have great space to build smart career.  Video editor works with digital files and most of the editing is done with non-linear video editing software. Video editors capture raw digital footage from cameras and select the segments to include in the finished product. They arrange the segments on a timeline in the correct order to match the final script. Other types of media, such as sound effects, music, dialogue and animation, may also be added. After adding all necessary components, the entire project is rendered to its final format for release as a motion picture, DVD, YouTube video or other medium. Editors may work shut away in rooms by themselves for hours on end. Those who are self-employed may continually be on the hunt for their next assignment and may have to wait periods of time between jobs.

IFTI is the best place for your Video Editing Course

Indian Film & Television Institute (IFTI) is a place where students of all age groups are trained to be leading media professionals of the media industry. IFTI is an Idealistic setup for comprehensive education in Mass Communication Advertising & Journalism, Film Making & Television Direction & Production equipped with not only Modern Film/Video making infra structure but also excellent Studios, Theaters & Library. 
IFTI is the Launch Pad of its Production Wing, called IFTI Productions already into the Production of Advertisement, Documentaries along with other Television, Film & Radio programming.  IFTI’s fourth and most important emerging competency is into organizing events like auditions, workshops, fests, cultural events and other mega events. IFTI is an institution that sets out to put the needs of the students ahead of every other interest. It is in this background that the Institute has taken so many important steps: providing a learning ambience that encourages creativity and creating a campus that has all the facilities that a technical Institute must have. We are counted among professional Radio Jockey institutes, Anchoring institutes, and Video Jockey institutes. Our professionals have years of experience and has given many RJ’s, VJ’s to the industry. Most of the courses on offer at IFTI have a career orientation and therefore, the Institute has worked out alliances right across the media and entertainment industry so that the students and faculty frequently interact with the industry professionals. IFTI will thus, ensure that there are no gaps between what is taught within the portals and professionally practiced outside.

Mission- To establish outstanding learning & working environment which nurture creativity, production for TV, Radio, Films and Develop media leaders in current challenging and competitive media world.

Vision- The Indian Film & Television Institute will maintain the top standards for complete media education, using state-of-the-art technology under one roof to create media professionals for better development in National & International Media Industries.

Director of Indian Film & Television Institute Mr. Sandeep Kumar Raizada says, “There are three major video editing software packages on the market and several minor packages. These include Adobe's Creative Suite, Apple's Final Cut Pro Studio and AVID's Media Composer. Intermediates or Graduates must join right certification in one or more of these programs to add as a credential on their resume. Certification is a reliable indicator that the recipient has passed a test demonstrating a specific level of proficiency”. 

 “There are many short-term freelance jobs available in Indian Media World whereby Diploma Holders of Video editing course and new editors can earn some valuable on-the-job experience in video editing field,” he said.

 “In the television or film industry, a demo reel serves as the video editor's portfolio. Budding Video editors generally want to see the kind of work a job applicant is capable of doing and a demo reel serves that purpose. A demo reel consists of selections from the editor's best work, demonstrating his or her editing skills and technical proficiency. This sample is usually included with the applicant's resume, either as a DVD or as a link to a website,” Mr. Raizada said.

Let’s quickly have a look on 6 Months Video Editing Course Curriculum offered by North India’s Biggest Media Institute ‘Indian Film & Television Institute’ Meerut. 

Introduction & History
Basic Concepts of Editing
Techniques of Editing
Importance of Editing

Types of Editing (Linear, Non-Linear, Film Editing)
Cables, Tapes, Video Tape Recorder
Introduction to Monitors & Timeline
Sound Editing
Transitions & Filters
Titles & Graphics
Key Framing & Composition

Color Correction
Basic Effects
Graphic Titling
2D Editor
Dissolves, pre-defined transitions and audio cross fades
Practice & Knowledge of FCP
Basics of AVID

For any queries contact our admission department at 9639666333 or 9639777333 and for detailed information visit our website at: 
You are also most welcome for a free career counseling session between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at Meerut based Indian Film and Television Institute campus!